The following list is not meant to be all-inclusive. The entries defined here represent the vocabulary words we are most likely to be asked about at WINGMASTERS programs.

ADAPTATION /ad ap TAY shun/ noun
: an inherited change in a living thing that better fits it
for survival in its environment

AERIE /AHR ee/, EYRIE /EYE ree/ noun
: the nest of a large bird located high in a tree, or on a cliff or mountaintop
PLEASE NOTE: These two spellings are simply variations of the same word.
Both spellings are correct, although aerie is more commonly used.

BEAK /BEEK/ noun

: the bill of a bird; especially: the hooked bill of a bird of prey 
  that is adapted for tearing
BEHAVIOR /bih HAY vyur/ noun
: the way an animal acts often in response to something in its environment; especially: an inherited pattern of automatic responses (such as courtship
or nesting)

BINOCULAR VISION /bih NAK yuh lur VIZH un/ noun
: a way of seeing using both eyes looking straight ahead that results in a three - dimensional view


: a predatory bird that uses its hooked beak and sharp talons to catch 
  and eat other animals - also called RAPTOR

CAMOUFLAGE /KAM uh flahzh/ noun
: concealment by blending in with the background

CAMOUFLAGE /KAM uh flahzh/ verb
: to hide by blending in with the background
DDT /dee dee TEE/ noun
: a powerful combination of chemicals developed to kill insect pests that builds up in the environment and poisons many types of animals (such as peregrines, bald eagles and ospreys) - see PESTICIDE

DIURNAL /dy URN ul/ adjective
: active by day - see NOCTURNAL

: a pair of movable clusters of feathers on the head of some owl species (such as the screech owl and the great horned owl) that resemble ears
in position and shape

ENDANGERED /in DANE jurd/ adjective
: in danger of becoming extinct

ENVIRONMENT /in VY run munt/ noun
: the total of all the factors (such as temperature, humidity, light, rainfall and other living things) that affect a plant or an animal -

EXTINCT /ik STINGKT/ adjective
: no longer existing

: the two circles of short, specialized feathers that surround an owl's eyes

: to coast a short distance (usually from a higher point to a lower point)
with the wings held outstretched but without flapping - see HOVER, SOAR

HABITAT /HAB uh tat/ noun
: the particular part of the environment where a plant or an animal naturally lives - see  ENVIRONMENT, TERRITORY

HOVER /HUV ur/ verb
: to fly in one place by beating the wings and spreading the tail - see GLIDE, SOAR

IMPRINT /IM print/ noun
: an animal that has grown up with people and identifies with people, not with its own kind

MIGRATE /MY grayt/ verb
: to fly (usually in the spring and fall) from one area or climate to another for feeding or breeding
MOB /MAHB/ verb
: to pester a predator (such as an owl, a hawk, a cat or a snake) by swooping
at it and making a great deal of noise, usually done by a mixed flock of small bird
: the process of sheddng feathers and growing new ones (usually done once a year)

: to shed feathers and grow new ones

NOCTURNAL /nak TURN ul/ adjective
: active by night - see DIURNAL

PELLET /PEH lut/ noun
: a rounded mass of tightly packed, indigestible material (such as fur, feathers and bone) formed in the stomach of many different kinds of birds (such as eaglesl, falcons, hawks, owls, herons, crows, gulls and kingfishers)and regurgitated several hours after eating
PEREGRINE /PAIR uh grin/, PEREGRINE FALCON /PAIR uh grin FAL kun/ noun
: a very fast kind of falcon that now nests on bridges and tall buildings in cities(such as Boston,
Fall River and Springfield in Massachusetts and Hartford in Connecticut.
PLEASE NOTE: Both peregrine and peregrine falcon are names used for this fast flier.
Both are correct, although peregrine is more commonly used.

PESTICIDE /PES tuh side/ noun
: a chemical used to kill pests such as insects or rats and mice - see DDT

PLUMAGE /PLOO mij/ noun
: all the feathers that cover a birds' body

PREDATOR /PRED ut ur/ noun
: an animal (such as a hawk, a wolf, a cat or a spider) that hunts, kills and
eats other animals

PREY /PRAY/ noun : an animal (such as a rat, a mouse, a vole, a rabbit or an insect) that is hunted,
killed and eaten by other animals

RAPTOR /RAP tur/ noun
: a predatory bird (such as an eagle, a falcon, a hawk or an owl) that uses its hooked beak and sharp talons to catch and eat other animals -
also called BIRD OF PREY

RESIDENT /REZ ud unt/ noun
: an animal that stays in the same area all year around without migrating

SCAVENGER /SKA ven jur/ noun
: an animal that eats dead things

SOAR /SOAR/ verb : to ride on moving air on outstretched wings (as a hawk rides on a thermal) - see

TALON /TAHL un/ noun
: the long, sharp, curved claw of a bird of prey

TERRITORY /TEHR uh tore ee/ noun
: an area used for hunting or nesting that is defended by an animal -see ENVIRONMENT, HABITAT

THERMAL /THER mul/ noun
: a rising column of warm air WINGSPAN /WING span/ noun
: the distance from the tip of one outstretched wing to the tip of the other outstretched wing

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